Monday 1 July 2013

We descend 130' 8''.

We are down the Caen Hill flight, sharp at nine yesterday our locking team turned up and we set off down the flight.

Rotten trick to play on the boys, last year we set them at the Hatton Flight and this year we give them Caen Hill. They set to with a will and stuck with it all the way down.
After the first couple of locks we spotted a hire boat on the next pound down just pulling into the lock, thinking to ease the burden I nipped down and suggested they wait a couple of minutes, no they couldn't do that, they were in a too much of a hurry. I pointed out that it would be quicker with two boats as we could send someone ahead to prepare the locks but no, they were adamant. I don't usually criticise hire boaters, we all had to start somewhere, but a more ignorant, arrogant shower I have rarely met.

Lovely views from the top of the central section but, it being a fine Sunday morning,

we were soon overrun with gongoozlers. I suggest anyone looking to do the flight on a weekend brushes up on their canal knowledge, because you will be bombarded with questions. I am considering going around with a collection box at each lock on the way back up, should help out the pension.

Botox Lock? I expected to come out wrinkle free but no such luck, it would take a coating of wall plaster to smooth out my complexion.

A view looking down the flight and another,

looking back up. When you get this view behind you there are only another six locks to go.
The whole flight took us five hours, not a particularly fast passage but several times we were held waiting for a boat coming up.
We tied up at the bottom on the twenty four hour moorings opposite Foxhangers wharf. It is amazing how good a large G.&T. tastes. Then son in law Ken had to walk back up the flight to fetch the car. When he got back Jill rewarded us all with large bowls of Spag. Bol. followed by srawberries and clotted cream.
This morning we went in to Caen Hill Marina and have booked ourselves a mooring for a couple of weeks while we fly off to the sun. Two weeks in Tenerife with all the family at the start of August.

Watch this space.............

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