Monday, 31 December 2012

Post Christmas blues. And a happy new year.

Well that was 2012 then, not the most inspiring of years but nevertheless quite interesting, if you like rain that is.
I had intended to write lots of interesting posts over the holidays but with two small grandchildren to entertain and the normal over indulgence I fear the good intentions were sidelined. Plus, in the normal Devon way, it rained continually so getting out and about was somewhat curtailed, never even got up on The Hoe. So no photos'. No photos', nothing to write about. Nothing to write about, no posts. I do apologise.

Just to give you a flavour of Christmas morning.

By Boxing Day both children had gone down with colds which rather curtailed the fun. Give them their due, they managed to struggle on playing with their toys.
We have now travelled up to father's for the new year and guess who has now got those rotten colds? Yes, Jill and I sound like we belong in the plague hospital. Just need the bell and ragged robe with cries of "Unclean,unclean", and we would fit right in. Vick's Sinex anyone?
At long last Jill has heard from the N.H.S. about her cataract op, just waiting for a date now. Hopefully sometime soon!
Intend being back on the boat on Wednesday, if the pneumonia hasn't finished us.

Johnny Depp eat your heart out.

Watch this space.............

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