Friday, 25 January 2013

Untitled as it lacks interest.

The ice still covers the marina but, according to the met. office, the thaw is on it's way. Mind you, according to the Daily Express, the big freeze is yet to come. No, I don't normally read the Express, it was in the dentists waiting room yesterday while I was waiting to see the hygienist and I happened to pick it up. It also had an article about a friend of mine from Plymouth, Chris, who lost his right hand in a jet ski accident four years back and has just had a  "Bionic" hand fitted. The first in Britain with what is called the Michaelangelo hand. It works from sensing muscle movement in the arm and moves the fingers and thumb accordingly, amazing what they can do.
Jill has now got a date for her cataract removal, next Thursday at 1600. Hopefully that means we will be on the move again in a couple of weeks. Depends how quickly they give her the all clear.

Watch this space..............

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