Wednesday 23 October 2013

Passing through Braunston.

Having enjoyed rain in just about all its various forms for the last few days, this morning we bit the bullet and set off. We were getting short of water and Jill was somewhat keen to flash up the washing machine as I was running out of clean nether garments.

At the Braunston puddle banks we came across this strange looking craft, obviously far too wide for the Oxford, I can only surmise that it had arrived via the G.U. Actually it looked as though it would be a bit of a squeeze getting it into the wide locks. Couldn't work out which way it was facing either.

Braunston Church and the stump of the old windmill were looking splendid amidst the autumn colours of the trees. As were the Horseley Iron Works bridges

at the junction. We stopped for water and a quick dive into the chandlery for a few essentials, stern gland grease, toilet fluid and anti-freeze, then on up the North Oxford.

A short way further on we came across the local hunt out in full force. Nice to see that some English traditions still survive despite the best efforts of certain politically motivated groups. The hunt of course was following an aniseed drag, not chasing a fox.

C&RT were out trimming back the edge of the towpath, I know it can't be prevented but I wish there was a way of preventing the cut bits falling in the cut, getting enough problems with leaves around the prop at the moment.
Stopped above Hillmorton Locks, wonder what the weather will do to us tomorrow.

Watch this space.............

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