Friday 1 February 2013

A great feeling of relief.

Yesterday was the big day, of we went to Oxford for Jill's cataract removal. We stopped in Banbury for lunch, Pizza Express, posh or what? Having smashed the diet to pieces we returned to the car to find a £30 parking ticket glued firmly to the windscreen. On checking we discovered that, despite inserting £2.20 in to the blasted machine, it had only issued a £1 ticket. No point arguing, thirty quid has been lifted from the pocket!!!
Jill's operation, I am delighted to say was quick, painless and seems to have been a complete success. Our thanks to all at the Manor Hospital, Oxford. Jill can no longer put her telescope to her blind eye and claim not to have seen the signal. Just call her Hawkeye.
It was 21.00 by the time we left the hospital so we stopped in the motorway services for a coffee and a sticky bun and arrived back at the marina at about 22.30. Now we've been here for a while and been in and out of the office on numerous occasions but no one had bothered to point out that once they shut the gates you need an electronic key fob to work them. So there we were, stuck. It must have been a sight worth seeing, the pair of us struggling over the fence.
So it was a day of ups and downs but, to us, it was much more up.

Watch this space..........

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