Wednesday 16 November 2011

Christmas shopping is done and dusted.

From the moorings by The Lock Keeper pub (Was the Frog and Nightingale, been tarted up, not tried it yet) the quickest way into town is via Kaleyards Gate, now we have gone that way many times in the past and somehow never noticed

this pigeon loft, or dovecot if you're posh, and the notice on it.

It seems that if you wish to feed pigeons in Chester you should come here to do so, I have news for Cheshire West & Chester council, it doesn't happen.
So we wandered off into the city and commenced to shop, an occupation abhorred by both of us but, apart from some gift vouchers, we obtained all the seasonal gifts that we are expected to provide. We also bought, for ourselves, several books, a selection of fleeces and a new t-mobile dongle, faster than the old one and about a third the monthly cost, seems to be working ok. Actually we didn't buy the dongle, it came free with a new contract, can't see the drawback, yet.

This is just to prove that Chester is getting Christmas organised.
Why do we still call it Christmas when what is celebrated now is much closer to the old pagan festival of Yule? The majority of people in Britain never set foot in a church but still celebrate the supposedly christian festival, any excuse for a knees up. It's a fact that more incidents of domestic violence occour over Christmas than any other time of year, people are suddenly thrown together for several days with only The Great Escape and The Wizard of Oz on the telly so, I presume, thumping each other seems a viable alternative. Of course lawyers love it, all those nice expensive divorce cases in the new year.
Who are you calling cynical?
Bah, Humbug!

Watch this space.............

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