Today we left Hawkesbury Junction, a.k.a. Suttons Stop, where the Oxford joins the Coventry canal. After watering

we negotiated the stop stop lock,

passed the old police station,
said farewell to the Greyhound (They do a brilliant pint of mild)
and negotiated the 180 degree turn under the junction bridge.

The old engine house used to supply the canalwith water pumped from the nearby mines, we were now on the Coventry and heading north, totally unaware of what was waiting for us. We passed under bridge 14 and on the towpath

an EMU?

Is it a winter migrant? A result of global warming?

Ducks on the roof are bad enough and swans banging on the side for bread, I don't think a crust will keep this one happy.

Oh yes,there was ice on the water in some places!
Hi, sitting here in Oz, 31 degrees C, reading your blog as we often do, and it definitely looks like an Emu. A young one, but an Emu. Probably had a lager too many at the Greyhound.
Hi Graham,
That one must have caught a plane over here!
Regards Chris & Debbie.
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