Back to reality, Middlewich for shopping, dare I mention Tescos? then up through Kings Lock,

that's the Middlewich Arm coming in under the bridge middle left, don't worry if you can't work it out, it is there.

Then it's the paired locks of the Cheshire Locks (aka Heartbreak Hill), 26 locks in 7 miles. Please note left hand lock out of use, you get used to it on the way up.

Next to one of the locks, can't remember which one, wild sweet peas, what a blinding colour.

The simple elegance of bridge 137 where the towpath changes sides, just below yet another pair of locks.

The skyline to the east is dominated by Mow (rhymes with cow, see next picture) Cop with it's folly perched on top.

Head 'em up, move 'em out, Rawhide

Is that Clint Eastwood sitting on the bollard?

Oh look, another duplicated lock.

Clever eh?

Pool Lock Aquaduct, the Macclesfield Canal goes over the Trent and Mersey

Before joining at Hardings Wood (Red Bull) Junction.

We had to wait for an hour and a half at Harecastle (Note the entrance to Brindleys old bore to the right, as opposed to the old bore who writes this blog) and then as we went to enter the tunnel we picked up up a yard or two of blue poly on the prop and only a quick trip down the weed hatch got us going in time to get though without another wait.

Out again after forty five minutes, just doesn't look like the entrance to the underground world of Kit Crewbucket, Harecastles resident spook.
Moored for the night by Westport Lake, nice urban moorings.